

You’ve arrived to the correct spot for guidance if you’re wondering if you can rely on yoga mudras to treat illnesses. I mean, what are mudras anyway? Yoga is more than merely bending and twisting your body into various positions. It also incorporates certain mudras that control the body’s energy flow. These are motions used in pranayama and meditation to activate particular parts of the brain. So what kinds of yoga mudras are there? Which condition is targeted by each of these mudras? Scroll down to see the solutions.

Hand Yoga Mudra: Its Advantages

Yoga may be a therapeutic practice that relieves stress and assists the respiratory and digestive systems. It may calm your nervous system in addition to boosting immunity.

Acupressure and yoga mudras can assist in balancing your chakras and fostering recovery. These hand motions are examples of alternative medicine methods that, when combined with Ayurveda, can improve the mind-body connection and control pain. Holistic health may be attained by stimulating the body’s healing powers via self-care, ranging from the circulatory system to the musculoskeletal system. These finger placements are also beneficial for chronic disorders.

Let’s take a closer look at how yoga mudras function before learning about their advantages.

How Do Mudras Operate?

The foundation of all yoga and Ayurvedic practices is the understanding that life flourishes in the state of equilibrium between the energies associated with the elements—fire, water, air, space, and earth. Fingers are used to perform mudras since it is thought that they contain magnetic energy. Every finger represents one of the five elements, or panchaboothas. The fingers that represent fire (agni), air (vayu), sky (akash), earth (prithvi), and water (jal) are the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and little finger. By positioning each finger and applying pressure, it may be possible to correct the imbalance in the corresponding energies and treat ailments that are related to it.

Let’s now examine how these mudras could aid in the treatment of various illnesses.

There are several varieties of yoga mudras, and each offers a unique set of advantages. The reason for each is given below.

1. The Gyan Mudra

Known as the Gyan Mudra or the Mudra of Knowledge, this is the first yoga mudra stance.

How should one proceed?

Use this mudra in your meditations. When you perform it during Brahma Muhurta, just before daybreak, it is ideal. Use the tip of your thumb to make contact with the tip of your index finger. It doesn’t matter whether the other three fingers are slightly bent; you may keep them free or straight. This is a widely popular mudra for use in meditation practice.

Exercise caution

Anyone may perform this mudra, which has many benefits.


  • This mudra is intended to improve focus and memory, as its name indicates.
  • This mudra increases mental acuity.
  • It can be used to treat insomnia.
  • Regularly do this mudra to cure oneself of all psychological and mental illnesses, including sadness, tension, anxiety, and rage.

2. The Mudra of Vayu

How should one proceed?

You can perform this mudra while standing, sitting, or in the supine position. Put your index finger folded. When you fold your index finger, two of the finger’s bones are clearly visible. We refer to them as phalanx bones. As seen in the image above, the thumb must be used to secure and press down on the second bone, which is located on the palm mound. Try to keep the remaining three fingers as extended as you can.

You may do this whenever it’s convenient for you during the day. Additionally, doing this on an empty stomach is not required. This mudra can also be performed with a full stomach.

Exercise caution

After you reap the advantages of this mudra, discontinue using it. It could lead to an imbalance in your system after a while.


  • Vaayu mudra balances the air element in your body, as the name would imply. This mudra helps to relieve intestinal gas and reduce rheumatic and chest discomfort by expelling extra wind from the body and stomach.

3. The Fire Mudra, Agni Mudra

How should one proceed?

With your bent finger resting on the palm mound, fold your ring finger and push the second phalanx with the base of your thumb. Maintain the remaining fingers straight. This mudra should only be performed on an empty stomach while sitting in the early morning. Every day, keep this mudra in place for at least fifteen minutes.

Exercise caution

But do not use this mudra if you have acid reflux or dyspepsia.


  • It regulates obesity and speeds up metabolism by assisting in the breakdown of excess fat.
  • speeds up the digestive process.
  • increases physical power.
  • eases tension and stress.
  • regulates elevated cholesterol levels.

4. Earth’s Mudra, Prithvi Mudra

How should one proceed?

Use the tip of your thumb to make contact with the tip of your ring finger. With the remaining fingers spread out, press the tips of these two fingers.

You should ideally do this mudra in the morning. On the other hand, you are free to do it for whatever long and at any time of day. Since the mudra’s name implies that it is a grounding mudra, adopting a lotus attitude can greatly enhance its advantages. With your elbows straight and your hands resting on your knees, assume the padmasana position. Try this pose when you’re feeling agitated and worn out. This mudra, when combined with padmasana, will instantly enliven you. This is a fantastic mudra yoga as well for radiant skin.

Exercise caution

Nothing at all. Try this asana at your own pace. However, because this mudra is performed in the lotus posture, caution should be used when sitting for an extended period of time to avoid experiencing any stiffness or soreness in the hip or knee joints.


  • It enhances the body’s blood flow throughout.
  • builds tolerance and patience.
  • improves one’s ability to focus while meditation.
  • aids in bolstering thin and feeble bones.
  • As the name of this mudra implies, it relieves weakness, weariness, and dullness of mind by providing a grounding effect.
  • Your complexion will look better and your skin will have a natural shine thanks to this mudra.

5. The Water Mudra, Varun Mudra

Yoga mudra that enhances your exterior beauty is this one. It protects your skin from any issues and has a good effect on it. This mudra is a highly beneficial yoga pose for your general well-being. Let’s learn how to perform it flawlessly.

How should one proceed?

Apply a little pressure with the tip of your thumb to the tip of your little finger. The remaining fingers ought to remain straight. There’s no set time for doing this mudra. This mudra may be performed in any position and at any time of day, although it is best performed when sitting cross-legged.

Exercise caution

Be careful not to push the little finger’s tip on the nail. Rather of keeping your body’s water balance in check, that will lead to dehydration.


There are several advantages to doing this mudra:

  • Our body’s water equilibrium is restored by Varun Mudra.
  • It promotes the body’s natural fluid circulation, which keeps it constantly hydrated.
  • Skin conditions including dryness, infections, and illnesses are relieved by it.
  • It gives your face a radiant, natural shine.
  • Additionally, Varun Mudra prevents and heals any muscular aches you may have.

6. The Emptiness Mudra, or Shunya Mudra

How would one go about doing that?

Using your thumb, press the first phalanx of your middle finger.


  • There may be relief from ear issues by concentrating fully while doing this mudra.
  • For those who are intellectually impaired or deaf, it is also highly beneficial. Those who are born disabled, however, will not get anything from this mudra.

Exercise Caution

Once you have been healed of these ailments, cease using this mudra.

7. Surya Mudra, or Sun Mudra

How would one go about doing that?

Just as in the photo, press your ring finger and push it with your thumb.


  • When it comes to lowering bad cholesterol, it is really helpful.
  • Do you want to reduce your weight? This is a very useful and effective yoga mudra for losing weight.
  • lessens tension.
  • enhances digestion as well.

8. The Mudra of Life, Prana Mudra

This mudra is incredibly significant because it awakens your body’s energy.

How would one go about doing that?

Padmasana should be practiced in conjunction with this yoga mudra stance. Touch the tips of your little and ring fingers with the tip of your thumb after bending them.

This is an asana that may be done at any moment. It will work at any time of day.


  • The immune system is strengthened by this mudra.
  • Additionally, it strengthens and stimulates your eyes.
  • It lessens exhaustion and weariness.

Blogger Carson Becker remembers exploring the realm of yoga mudras and getting the most out of it. According to her, our hands are always making mudras that enhance our general well-being. “Hands, more than any other part of our bodies, hold the intelligence of caring and healing,” she continues, expressing her happiness and viewing these as manifestations of life. It is an intelligence so delicate that, in addition to twenty extra muscles in the wrist, each hand needs five fingers, 26 bones, forty tendons, and twenty muscles overall. I have consequently chosen to adopt a new perspective on mudras. I now approach them as yoga that originates in my hands rather than as yoga for my hands.